Brad Fortier’s Blog

A Fool’s Errand

Wednesday, March 9th, 2011

“If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.” – Albert Einstein Ever work really hard at something only to realize it has been a fruitless exercise in futility? If you are like most people, the answer is yes because almost everyone has been on a[…] Read More

Know Good Advice v. No Good Advice

Thursday, January 20th, 2011

The table above paints a stark picture of investment trends since the recession began. Despite the fact that the 30 year bull market in bonds is nearing its inevitable end, the investor herd has flocked to them in an attempt to invest in anything other than stocks. While our fears of the stock market are[…] Read More

Know Thyself

Sunday, January 16th, 2011

Approximately 3500 years ago, military, political, and spiritual leaders from around the ancient world travelled to Delphi in Greece. It was widely believed that the Delphic oracle was communicating the word of the god Apollo in a small temple there.  High profile visitors waited in line for days for the opportunity to receive the prophetic[…] Read More

Top 3 Wise Money Strategies for 2011

Tuesday, December 21st, 2010

By Brad Fortier December is always the month that forecasters ramp up their predictions for the coming year, and in this uncertain economic climate and financial management, Americans are more than ever looking for any hint about what the future will bring. While fortune telling is a great way to boost ratings, the typical investor[…] Read More

New Year Letter to Friends & Clients

Tuesday, December 21st, 2010

Dear Friend, Each January, we resolve to change our bad habits. As the end of another year approaches, it is necessary to reflect on a past we cannot change in order to make adjustments for a future we can. We may resolve to live the life that has been living us for a while, to[…] Read More

Always trying to beat the train?

Friday, December 10th, 2010

Just the other day I was running some errands when an approaching train brought my progress to a halt. As the line of cars came to a stop to wait for the train to pass, the driver in front of me was clearly growing restless as he looked both ways trying to discern whether the[…] Read More

Banking on Bonds? The Fed is using your tax dollars to make sure that doesn’t pay

Friday, December 10th, 2010

Amid worries of deflation and the sluggish pace of the economic recovery, the Federal Reserve announced a second round of quantitative easing, commonly referred to as QE2. At a time when the prospects for another fiscal stimulus are dim, QE2 will pump $600 billion into the long-term treasury bond market in an effort to raise[…] Read More

Double Dip Recession?

Saturday, September 11th, 2010

The economy’s sluggish rebound is still topping financial news. Consumer spending is flat, unemployment is up, and as I’m writing this the Dow is down. What are we to conclude from these trends? Will we continue to slowly make headway, or will we lurch backwards into a double-dip recession? These are certainly interesting questions, and[…] Read More

What do the average investor and a cliff diver in Acapulco have in common?

Monday, August 2nd, 2010

I recently met a very successful businessman who was voicing concern over the lack of diversification of his investment assets, like gold investments, which can add a diversifying component to your portfolio. which is one of the many reasons people need to learn about how to start buying NFT. He was fully aware of the[…] Read More

Financial Overhaul?

Friday, July 23rd, 2010

It seems like the American public has been hearing about the need for financial reform for almost two years now, and on Wednesday President Obama finally signed a package of sweeping changes into law. It has been called the greatest overhaul of the financial industry since the Great Depression, and while the pundits will continue[…] Read More