New Year Letter to Friends & Clients

Dear Friend,

Each January, we resolve to change our bad habits. As the end of another year approaches, it is necessary to reflect on a past we cannot change in order to make adjustments for a future we can. We may resolve to live the life that has been living us for a while, to shed the unnecessary pounds added by a hungry mind, or to exercise our tired bodies in order to awaken them. I hope that we are all able to slow down long enough to see that the rapid pace of our lives is not necessarily getting us where we want to be.

Stephen Covey tells the story of a man working diligently to chop down a tree.  He exhausts himself moving a dull saw back and forth without making any real progress. Then a stranger stops by and asks the man why he did not pause to sharpen the saw.  “I don’t have time,” replied the tree cutter.

How many of us could really use a little saw sharpening in our lives? This year, I decided to address resolutions a bit earlier than usual because, once the New Year begins, we are all anxious to start hacking at the trees that must come down. During this holiday season, I suggest that we spend the next couple of weeks whetting our blades before tackling that next big tree.

As you refine your goals for the coming year, know that I am always here to help. As Darwin said, “A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life.” There is only one thing we all must do each day and that is to spend our life of limited time wisely. Have a wonderful holiday season, and do not wait until the page turns on a calendar to change the things you know you should change today.

Best Regards,

Brad F Fortier, CFP®
Certified Estate Planner™
President, Fortier Financial